Frequently Asked Questions

Why is it important to see a podiatrist?

It is important to get your feet regularly checked by a podiatrist. If there are any problems, perhaps even some that you weren’t aware of, these may be spotted early by your podiatrist, this reduces the risk of problems in the future as we mature and change.

Even if you don’t notice any problems with your feet, it may be worth getting checked over every so often to ensure everything stays in working order… And it’s a nice little treat for your feet too!

To find out more about appointments at The Foot Lady, view our Services

When might I need a Bio-Mechanical Assessment?

If you suffer with pain in the legs, feet or lower back you may benefit from a Bio-Mechanical Assessment.
In this appointment we will assess how the lower limbs function by carrying out a gait analysis, observation checks and foot checks to get to the root of the issue, checking for any abnormalities. If appropriate, we would then fit you with orthotic insoles which will re-align your posture, so you walk correctly and help you roll through the feet properly.

A Bio-Mechanical Assessment takes approximately 45 minutes. From there once we have fitted you with orthotics we will book you a free review in 8 weeks time to see how you are getting on and ensure they are working correctly.

For up to date prices please check our services page.

When should I get my Verruca checked by a Podiatrist / Foot Health Practitioner?

It is essential to get your verruca checked sooner rather than later.

A verruca is a virus that takes hold when your immune system is low, the longer it is in situ, the harder it will be to get rid of them. If you want to ensure your verruca is taken care of, it’s a good idea to get it checked by a professional.


Find Out More

To find out more about what we have to offer, and our prices, check out our services page.

What are the benefits of Reflexology?

Reflexology is an alternative therapy that involves applying pressure to the feet using thumb and finger techniques.

Reflexology relaxes the mind and reduces stress by rebalancing the body. It can help to ease Migraines and insomnia and improve circulation.

How often should I come for an appointment?

This depends entirely on your feet, and how often we believe you need treatment.

Many of our regular clients book their appointments every 8-12 weeks, however if you have other issues for us to treat, or your feet are in particularly poor condition, we may advise you book every 4-6 weeks.

However it is important to note that while we may advise when we would like to see you next, it is up to you how often you want to book.

Can you treat Verrucas in pregnant women?

Yes, we have a variety of verruca treatments available meaning we are still able to treat pregnant patients. That being said, we must treat conservatively, it may mean that it takes a little longer for your verruca to clear up completely.

If you have any concerns regarding pregnancy and your treatment, our clinicians would be happy to discuss this during your consultation, or you could send us an e-mail and we will endeavour to answer your questions.

Are there any other treatments I should or shouldn’t have during or after pregnancy?

There are no other treatments you should avoid during pregnancy, other then select verruca treatments.

We would however recommend regular treatment during pregnancy to take care of any callouses and to cut the nails (as it may be tricky to do that yourself…!)

Our podiatrist would also recommend Reflexology after pregnancy, as it helps to re-balance the body, and offers a little time to relax and de-stress!

If you would like to treat the special pregnant lady in your life to any of our treatments, please enquire with Reception.

What do you want to know?

Don’t see the answers you’re looking for? Ask us directly and we will do our best to get back to you as soon as we can!

Do you offer Home Visits?

Unfortunately we are unable to take on any new Home Visit Clients.

Do you treat Fungal Infections?

Yes, we have various treatments available, including topical treatments and nail removal!

This would fall under a Routine Appointment if you’ve seen us before, or a New Patient Appointment if it’s your first visit to us. In this appointment we would discuss the best options and do our best to treat you in the appointment where possible*.

*Nail removal may require a second appointment.

Would you be able to treat my Autistic Child? I am concerned they may struggle in the appointment

This is not a problem at all, we understand that it can be daunting having someone touching your feet and not knowing what is going on. This is why we take the appointment at their pace, we won’t move on until they’re comfortable with the treatment they are about to receive. We may demonstrate their treatment on their hand so they can see what will be happening on their feet and get used to the sensation.

Our clinicians are very experienced in treating anxious and autistic patients, so you’re in safe hands! However if you do have any further questions or concerns, our Receptionists would be happy to discuss this with you.

Ready to Book your Appointment?

If you’ve read enough and are ready to book your appointment with The Foot Lady, click the button below. It will take you to our Contact page where you can find all the best ways to get in contact to arrange your appointment.